Just like that our little boy is ONE! He is the sweetest most lovable little guy, and I am so incredibly grateful to be his mom. I wanted to share with you a few snaps from his very first Little Blue Truck Birthday Party!
Since I have the privilege of staying at home with Tihon and my other two fur babies, I had some time and energy to plan his first birthday party. I started with the basics – his favorite book. He loves when we read him the Little Blue Truck
book, so that seemed like a great theme for his party.
If you’ve never read this book, I highly suggest it. Aside from being beautifully illustrated and having a wonderful lesson in the end, it’s about a truck and his friends – farm animals. Ever since we came back from the trip to Ukraine this summer, little Tihon has been obsessed with pretty much all farm animals. Oh, and if you have a boy, you know the importance of trucks, of course.
Once we came up with the party theme, I ordered the invitations from Etsy, and the rest of the ideas came together pretty quickly. I was really happy with the way everything turned out. And the theme was just perfect for our little man.
I prepared some crafts and food in advance so I didn’t have to stress out on the day of the party. Plus, Tihon’s dear God parents came to visit for the exciting weekend, and they were able to help in many ways. They were all so helpful in crafting up the Little Blue Truck Photo booth, helping me organize my thoughts, baking cookies, helping decorate, and enjoying mister Tihon.
Our farm menu consisted of pulled pork sliders with coleslaw, scalloped potatoes, stuffed peppers, dressed eggs as well as many appetizers and salads. Kids enjoyed mac & cheese, egg muffins and yogurt parfaits. For beverages, we had kompot and apple cider. And, of course, the highlight of the table was a beautiful Little Blue Truck custom cake that paired with the cutest smash cake for the birthday boy. It seemed to be the perfect amount of food. At least, no one told me they went home hungry.
For party favors all of the guests took home some treats, coloring pages from the book, crayons and thank you cards. Each guest also got to take home the super cute Little Blue Truck cookies made by Tihon’s God parents.
Enjoy a peek into our day – it was such a fun one. Thanks to all, who came out to celebrate with us! And for ALL of you, who have prayed for him and loved him and us his whole 1 year and 9 months of life!
Such a beautiful party and gorgeous family! I love looking at Pinterest-worthy party photos like this! We did not do anything for my baby’s forever bday – just not my thing. I doubt we’ll do anything next year either. I think it’ll be only when she turns three. Which toys did Tihon get that he loved the most? I need ideas
Thank you so much! I know what you mean about hosting parties. It can get pretty stressful, especially with the little one this age. Even though hosting parties is overwhelming, I did enjoy planning the party (thanks Pinterest!). For the gifts, he received various toys, but I think he likes books more than toys, especially the sound books. I’m thinking because we read them together ( I read – he mimics the sounds and points at things) and it’s more engaging for him. As far as toys, he likes to play with Fold and Go Barn and Old MacDonald’s Farm Sound Puzzle, by Mellissa & Doug; Fisher-Price ride on, Vtech – Sports Center, blocks and pyramids. The game usually lasts 2 minutes and we are onto the next “station”
Hi Lily, what an adorable boy! Is Tihon a Canadian name? You made him a wonderful 1st birthday party that you can be proud of. I have one 3 years old daughter but in Slovakia is not such a trend for celebrating children ‘s party with other kids. But I wish I will made her a big party when she turns 4 and will be at nursery so I can invite her friends. Enjoy these wonderful years with him. As bigger he will grow funnier and easier for you days come.
Love your outfits with the pram…this is exactly how happy mum should looks like! Wish him lots of health, toys and a friendly friends.
Thank you so much for the compliments Katie! You are so nice! Tihon is an old Russian name actually.
Looks like a wonderful party. Just wondering how you made the blue truck photo prop? It’s adorable!
Hi Courtney! I ordered this poster on etsy (https://www.etsy.com/listing/257449531/little-blue-truck-birthday-photo-booth) and printed it. Then my husband glued it onto old cardboard using a glue spray and attached the stand behind it. Let me know if you have other questions!
Do you remember the dimensions for your printing?
This party style theme is awesome! Are you also the one who took all those images? All shots are very nice Lily. Hope to read more from you.
Thanks so much Dave! It was one awesome party:) The pictures were done mostly by my husband
Where did you find the foil animal balloons? I’ve sesrched everywhere!
I found the balloons on Amazon just last week!
And I also found some at http://www.partyatlewis.com
To the OP: this was a fabulous party! Kudos on a job well done!
Thank you so much! I actually got the balloons on Etsy.
Hi Katie! Etsy!
Hello! Did you make his truck cake? I have been trying to find a mold to make the smash cake!!
Hi Katie! We had it ordered from the cake shop
Where’d you find his outfit?
Hi Ali! I bought it off etsy
Where did you find the cow cups?? Cutest party ever!
How did you make the big cardboard car??