Hi Friends! Have you discovered Yummly yet? Yummly is super user-friendly, powerful and most helpful food site in the world. You can easily save all your favorite recipes from all your favorite food websites and blogs, search in a variety of ways and even create a grocery list! How awesome is that? Check out Gastro Senses on [Continue Reading…]
Gluten-Free Bread
When I learned that gluten is my body’s enemy, the first thing that brought tears to my eyes is the thought of giving up bread. Thats when my journey of exploring new and nourishing foods began. I stepped on the road of natural way suppling our family with more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, legumes, [Continue Reading…]
Mushroom Risotto
I love risotto in all forms, and I love making risotto. A lot of people are scared to make it at home, but it’s such an amazing dish to cook and once you cracked it, becomes so versatile. No, you don’t need a PhD in Culinary Science to make risotto, just a few little tricks and patience will [Continue Reading…]
Pomegranate Cheesecake
First, I am going to start by wishing everyone a happy Victoria’s Day. Second, I HAVE to offer a prefect table centerpiece for your celebrations. Guys, this Pomegranate Cheesecake with pistachio crust is a bomb! Your family and friends are going to love it! Cheesecake is my favorite dessert in the whole wide world. I [Continue Reading…]
Salted Caramel and Walnut Tarts
I love salted caramel! The perfect balance of sweet and salty is not easy to achieve in a caramel, perhaps, because personal tastes are subjective. Some people like things a little more sweet – others a bit more salty. But these delicious, sweet, salty crunchy and nutty tarts came out to be just perfect for me. [Continue Reading…]
Salmon Gravlax
We love curing and fermenting food! We’ve cured meats and fish, vegetables and cheese, and even drinks before. Check out our recipes for fermented Apple Kvass, Farmers Cheese, and Cured Pork Fat (Salo). There are many health benefits to fermented and cured foods. They contain natural healthy bacteria that provide essential nourishment for your immune system. Trying dishes from all over the world is [Continue Reading…]
Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings
Hi Guys, HAPPY FRIDAY! It’s May 1, which means spring in full force and we are approaching SUMMER very quickly! In the presence of amazing weather I’ve been doing some garden work outside. My tomato and cucumber plants already smell like tomatoes and cucumbers! I’m so excited! They seem to be recovering from a ridiculous [Continue Reading…]
Meat Aspic (Kholodets)
Meat Aspic or Kholodets is another traditional vintage dish for various eastern european countries. It represents a simple healthy broth cooked from parts of meat which is then cooled down to jellify. Most recipes call for adding a pack of gelatin to jellify the broth, but I like my kholodets the old-fashioned, natural way by simply [Continue Reading…]
Gluten Free Doggie Treats
Those of you who knows and follows me on Instagram noticed that I have a love that borders with obsession for my dogs, Jean and Benji. Jean is almost 6 years old and thinks he is a human. Benji is 2 and he loves to talk. We spend time together every day, and they’re always there for me [Continue Reading…]
Cured Pork Fat (Salo)
Many countries have their own national varieties of cured pork fat – lardo, bacon, pancetta and many more. It seems that almost every culture has its own way of curing pork fat. Salo is the Ukrainian cured pork fat and is the ultimate national food of Ukraine. Salo is so important to Ukraine that if you ever [Continue Reading…]