Farmers cheese or tvorog, is an eastern european dairy product which is known as a cross between cottage and ricotta cheeses in North America. It could be enjoyed on its own, sprinkled over your salads, used in desserts, stuffed into pierogis and much more. Plus it’s super healthy for your digestive system! The key here is a natural fermentation [Continue Reading…]
Apple Kvass
‘Apple a day keeps the doctor away’ – this apple drink for sure will prove this old saying perfectly. You will love this easy and delicious Apple Kvass on a hot summer days. Double the benefits of apple when you ferment it for good bacteria. By enjoying naturally fermented foods like kvass, sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi or kefir [Continue Reading…]
Easter Cheese Paskha
Happy Orthodox Easter! Христос Воскерес! Presence of God in our souls, the magical and spiritual feeling of joy every time you hear “The Christ has risen!” Risen indeed!” Easter is one of the greatest holidays in Christianity. Each country has its own way of celebrating this glorious holiday, with its own set of traditions. In Ukraine traditional [Continue Reading…]
Borscht and Slavic cuisine is as Barcelona and Gaudi as Gagarin and the space and as New York and the Statue of Liberty. Although borsch is cooked by all Slavic people recipes differ from country to country and even from family to family. Ukrainians like to serve it with home made cured pork belly (Salo), sour cream [Continue Reading…]
Ukrainian Horseradish Sauce – Adjika
Common varieties of Adjika resemble Italian red pesto in appearance and consistency. I call this pesto-like spread “magic sauce” because it makes so many things taste amazing! From Abkhazia to as far as Moldova, they all produce homemade adjikas. And they all have their own recipes, some with tomatoes, carrots and apples, and others with dried peppers [Continue Reading…]
Mauritius – Dream is a serious thing
Dream is a serious thing, let me tell ya! I dreamed about visiting Africa since I saw Maugli. Absolute fanatic of animals and nature I had to go see Mauritius island one day. Mauritius – African Pearl We started looking and planning our big trip. Looking at million of resorts and islands in Africa we [Continue Reading…]
Classic New York style cheesecake with a hint of citrus is absolute rockstar! Ultra creamy and fluffy variety, the kind that just sort of melts in your mouth and brings a big smile to your face. This cheesecake needs to come with a warning sign. Dangerous, I tell ya! The best (most dangerous?) is adding the raspberry [Continue Reading…]
We first tried ceviche in Mexico and have been admiring this simple and refreshing dish ever since. We are sure we’ve confessed to this many times before, but we sort of have a thing for latin food. Ceviche is on the menu list for almost every holiday. It looks so festive but yet so easy to make! Typically [Continue Reading…]
In my childhood years store bought soda and fruit juices were luxuries reserved for special occasions. Kompot was a nice alternative for everyday consumption in our family. Grandma’s Kompot was always so delicious during hot summer days cooked with hand picked berries and fruits from our garden as well as in winter time using dried [Continue Reading…]
Pide is a Turkish flat bread – their version of pizza. Just like in any pizza, Pide includes various toppings, but ground lamb and egg gives it that Middle Eastern flavor. And who could resist the exotic shape! Substitute with minced beef or turkey if lamb isn’t your thing. But I highly recommend lamb for authenticity! We [Continue Reading…]